Fork United Methodist Church contributes each month to the following charities:
- January & July
Volunteers In Mission - February & August
Scouting Ministry - March & September
Our missionaries, Nan & Miguel - April & October
Manna House - May & November
Helping Hands - June & December
United Methodist Board of Child Care
Waugh United Methodist Church contributes to following charities:
- Manna House (both monies and personnel)
- Helping Hands Pantry (both monies and personnel)
- Operation Christmas Child
- Carrol Home
- Wesley Home
Both Churches contribute to the following charities through the Conference:
- One Great Hour of Sharing
- Student Day Offering (for higher education scholarships)
- World Communion
- Native American Day (to aid the American Indian population)
- Peace with Justice Day
- Human Relations Sunday
Fork United Methodist Church supports missionary families abroad:
Nan McCurdy and Miguel Mairena in Nicaragua
Waugh United Methodist Church also supports Miguel Mairena in Nicaragua.
Both churches have contributed both personnel and monies for some of the Volunteers in Missions Program to lend aid to needy countries and areas in need due to disasters.
This video describes the work of the Women and Community Association in San Francisco Libre, supported by the United Methodist Church, Catholic Women of Austria, Horizont 3000, Partners in Mission, Robert Mullin and other individuals, both religious and secular.